(quick detour)

Video removed….. here’s the link so you’re not confused: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IqCfxgKZd8

I was driving back to work yesterday after having a serious heart-to-heart with our Creator when this song came on XM “The Mix”.  Usually I flip between the same four or five stations: The Mix, Lithium (90’s alt rock), The Message (contemporary Christian), Soul Town (motown), and Chill (trip hop/downtempo)… And when I first heard the words I was totally confused because I thought they were randomly playing Christian music on a secular station.  Anyway, as I was listening to the song it was as if everything that I have been feeling over the course of the last six months or so was coming out of my stereo- like God was saying “I know you feel like you’re the only one going through this, but you’re totally not alone-so rest in that”.   And though it wasn’t His voice exactly.. I felt like He finally spoke to me (in my car, nonetheless) like I have been praying for.

Apparently this song is somewhat popular… but I hadn’t heard it until yesterday- and I definitely had never heard of the band who performs it.  Divine timing, to say the least.

if, for some reason, you can’t see the video (which would be super lame) click here

oh, the places you’ll go!

Anyone else remember that book from the late-great Dr. Seuss?  I, like many many others, received my copy of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” as a gift at my high school graduation open house- a very fitting time for open-ended optimism about what the world has in store for an eighteen year-old who’s leaving home for the first time, stepping out into the great unknown.  Life was so full of possibilities back then and I felt like I could conquer the world–having no question about the attainability of my dreams.  I was going to go to college, graduate with honors (just like high school), go to med school, get my MD, marry the woman of my dreams, and live happily-ever-after (spending at least 3 months out of the year in the Carribean).

So, how did I get here…?

to be continued…

prayer needed. now.

I was online at work today (don’t tell my boss) when I came across this.

In brief,  a local pastor was called out in the middle of a Sunday morning service by a church member for “sexual assault” against another church member.  Normally I wouldn’t even comment on something like this because of the sensitivity of the issue… however, this pastor happens to be the father of one of my best friends.  So, despite what your preconceived notions are about Rev. Hillenburg’s guilt or innocence (I don’t want to even get into all that), I just ask that you all keep his family in your prayers.  They lost their oldest son in Iraq a few years ago, their youngest son has been battling some pretty intense personal demons of his own recently, and now this mess.

So, again.. please join me in prayer that God will grant this family some peace.  They’ve been through more in the last five years than any family I know.

(edit) It’s by pure coincidence that my last post spoke of transparency at the pupit and being careful not to deify clergy… I just learned of all of this today.

Hi, welcome to my blog. Are you confused? Good, because so am I…

Again I find myself in that place where my creative drive fully engages only when I’m faced with serious conflicts in my life.  I haven’t written a word in what seems like months even though I know I have plenty to write about.  For the most part, I use writing as a means to council and console myself rather than as an outlet to brag about how well things are going in my life.  I still don’t feel that people find contentment all that interesting when it comes to reading another’s blog.  I think that mostly has to do with our ability to connect and relate with one another a whole lot easier in our emotional valleys.  Everyone goes through hard times and I have to admit that it’s a heck of a lot easier to read about the conflicts and confusion someone else is facing than it is to read about how super-happy and perfect someone’s life is.  Maybe it’s jealousy or resentment on my end or maybe it’s because all the “sunshine and puppies” stuff reads as pretentious and fake.  I find more comfort in believing that everyone goes through really tough moments from time to time than I do the idea that someone out there is living the “perfect” life.

This is one of the main reasons why I sometimes feel uncomfortable around people in the traditional church atmosphere.  I know that I’m as guilty as the next when it comes to pretending that all is well and perfect in my life while sitting in the pew on Sunday morning. When in truth, I struggle with sin on a minute-by-minute basis, and I’m not the only one.  I can’t begin to say how refreshing and and reassuring it would be if our leaders would get in front of the congregation on some Sunday morning and tell us just how much they are in need of Jesus themselves…instead of just telling us all how much we need Him.  It would very encouraging if they could just relate to us as fellow sinners.

It seems so often that we hear about yet another well known pastor or evangelist caught up in some kind of scandal that no one could have ever seen coming.  It would be a lot easier to hold these people accountable and maybe prevent some of these situations if we had any kind of insight into the struggles that they were facing- we need to stop putting these people on such a high pedestal and let go of our assumptive views that our shepherds are “perfect” Christians.  We need to know that just like every member of their congregation, they have fallen short.  We need to know that they are sinners and need God’s Grace just as much as the rest of us.  To be an effective leader you must first find a way to relate to those in your charge- it’s the only way to gain and build a trust that isn’t blind and easily broken.

We need truth.  We need humility. And we need transparency at the pulpit.

The question is:  how do we create the kind of atmosphere where we are all on the same level as sinners in need of a Savior?

I was on my back deck today during my lunch hour thinking about why exactly Spring is my favorite of the four seasons (as opposed to say, Frankie Valli.. jk). All I could come up with was the idea of “rebirth”.  Then it dawned on me how closely that mirrors what it’s like being a Christian:  The closer we get to the Sun/Son the more we’re able to grow and reach our full potential.  Kind of a cheesy analogy, but I thought it was something that could be universally understood.

I also go to thinking about what my purpose/destiny is in this life.  Am I fulfilling the life that God has planned for me or am I currently taking an un-marked detour?  I suppose it’s time I start asking for directions… I asked God to speak to me- I mean I want to audibly hear God’s voice.  I’ve read stories in the bible about Him speaking to Moses and I’ve heard others claim they’ve literally heard God speak to them.  I figure if He can part the Red Sea and create the entire Earth in one short week, then I know He can speak to me in my Cadillac.

Through all of my reflection one thing kept popping into my head that I just couldn’t shake.  When I visited my grandparents’ church a month or so ago my great aunt/great cousin mentioned my destiny of becoming a preacher.  I would’ve normally just brushed this off as the wishful thinking of a misguided, yet well-intentioned geriatric relative, but I was instantly reminded of the time my grandmother said the exact same thing to me many, many years ago. As I was asking God about His plans for my life this memory kept pounding inside my brain… and even the birds began to go crazy with chirps and squawks that, to me, sounded a lot like preach! preach!.  Talk about a scary moment… I’m not even totally secure in my own faith and yet for some reason even the animal kingdom was pushing this on me.  Either that was a not-so-subtle prompting from God Almighty, or I’m just really, really paranoid.

But then I take a look at what I’ve been writing today and realize that I have a real drive to be seriously involved with this new church.  Where does this come from?  I haven’t seriously gone to church in two years and now that I’m sort of involved with the worship team, all I want to do is dive in as deep as possible.  And then I get to thinking things like why would anyone listen to me?  I didn’t go to seminary; I can’t quote but maybe a few scriptures in full…heck.. I’m a sinner in some of the worst ways (if there is such a thing).  All I really have right now are my bleeding-heart, liberal Christian ideas and an urge to be of service.

So, here’s what I’m praying for everyday:

-That I will hear God’s voice
-That He will reveal to me His purpose for my life
-That He will guide me to the right path
-That I can do at least one thing every day to show Christ’s love to someone else
-That I can see my blessings for what they are and be grateful

Why do I stubbornly resist what I’m beginning to believe may be God’s calling for my life?  I don’t feel nearly qualified enough.  But, is that really the case, or is that just a product of my own insecurity. And really, who’s standards must I meet?